Episode 4 inspirations now online

December 2, 2011

Good afternoon,

The inspirations for Episode 4, Series III of Garrow’s Law are now online.


Enjoy, but if you don’t want to spoil the surprise, I suggest you wait until after the Episode before reading them!

with best wishes


Inspirations for Episode 3, series 3

November 27, 2011

Good evening,

Here are the notes on some of the many inspirations for Episode 3.


I hope you find it interesting, but I do advise waiting until after the show to read them!

Please do feel free to ask questions or share your thoughts.

with best wishes


Garrow’s Law behind the scenes sneak peak!

November 24, 2011

Hi everyone,

Here is an extract from Garrow’s Law: From dawn to dusk. A 19 minute film which takes you behind the scenes of Series III.  The full version will be part of the bonus features of the Garrow’s Law series III DVD.


Judge tells Jury to reconsider the verdict

November 20, 2011

In today’s episode, Justice Buller argued with the Jury.  We took inspiration from a real case.

Jury. We cannot alter our verdict.

Court. You will let all the thieves in London escape.



Did I hear right? “…Enter the cow!?”

November 20, 2011

Yes, it was a real case! (but no record of who the barristers were – if any)


223. MARTIN WRIGHT (aged 67) was indicted for that he, not having the fear of God before his eyes, and not regarding the order of nature, on the 5th of January , in and upon a certain beast, called a cow, feloniously, wickedly, and diabolically did lay his hands, and then and there feloniously, wickedly, and diabolically, and against the order of nature, had a venereal affair with the said cow, and then and there, feloniously, wickedly, and diabolically, with the aforesaid cow, did commit and perpetrate that detestable and abominable crime, called buggery, (not to be named among Christians,) to the great displeasure of Almighty God, to the great scandal of human kind , against the statute, and against the peace.

The prisoner was observed by Thomas Cheadle , on the 5th of January on Edmonton common ; he was raised on a horse block, with his breeches down, and his private parts in his hand, just going to introduce into the cow; the witness came behind him, spoke to him, and stopped him directly.


He was detained to be tried for an attempt to commit the above crime.

Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. RECORDER.


Garrow’s Law Episode 2 Series 3 notes now online

November 18, 2011

Hi everyone,

I’m delighted to let you know that my notes on the inspirations for Episode 2, Series 3 of Garrow’s Law are now online on the BBC website

The notes contain some spoilers, so please consider waiting until after the Episode before reading!


with best wishes



New article on Garrow Society website

November 18, 2011

Good afternoon everyone,

Two things: My friends at the  Garrow Society have just posted a new and interesting article by His Honour John Wroath called: Garrow’s Law and the Real Story of Women’s Rights.  I heartily recommend it.  More to come on this in my piece on inspirations for Episode 2 coming soon.

The second thing isn’t Garrow related, but is fun and important. In addition to my work on Garrow’s Law, I also write and direct tv commercials. I wrote and directed this 60 second viral, which has just been released and aims to raise awareness of mens’ testicular cancer during the month of “Movember” (www.movember.com).  Enjoy the dance, all in a good cause!


Inspirations for Episode 1 series three

November 10, 2011

Hi everyone,

Here are my notes on the first episode of series III.  I suggest reading them after you’ve watched the episode, but they’re up now if you can’t wait till then!!


Andy Buchan on the BBC – link

November 10, 2011

Hi everyone,

For those who missed it, or who live overseas and don’t have access to iplayer, someone has uploaded the clip of Andy Buchan taking about the show on BBC breakfast.


Series III trailer now online!

November 9, 2011

Here it is:  It’s a full five minutes long, but watch out, it contains some spoilers!

